Lately, I have been hearing a lot about grounding mats and how they are bringing people back down to Earth, ha-ha! Naturally, being a fan of natural remedies and practices, I decided to pick one up and see how it fits into my daily routine. Following in the footsteps of our ancestors, grounding mats reunite us with the Earth's current, and that is the type of approach I like to experiment with to level up my health and wellness. Humans are meant to run around barefoot, in the grass, not with rubber soles on concrete, insulating us from the Earth's exuberant life-force. It's just one more simplicity that we have been stripped of in this age of material and abundance.

So, after a bit research and diligence, I found the GroundingWell Grounding Mat on Amazon. This one appeared to have the best reviews and the most insight into the background of grounding mats. Scientific assertions and testimonials both state that "grounding" can reduce inflammation and provide better and long-lasting sleep. Well, after a few weeks of use, here are my thoughts.

Full disclosure, I happily earn a commission on products like these that I have bought, tested and love myself.

Key Takeaways

  • Easy Setup: Plugging it in is straightforward.
  • Comfortable: The mat feels nice underfoot and is easy to relocate anywhere in the house (with a nice long chord).
  • Results & Benefits: Some benefits around pain and relaxation, no side-effects. As with any wellness product, individual experiences will differ, and it's essential to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

First Impressions

When I first opened the package, I was impressed with the quality of the mat, especially after viewing other brands with mixed reviews. It’s made from a durable material that feels good to the touch and is easy to roll up. Setting it up could not be easier—just plug it into a grounded outlet and you’re good to go. I tend to use it while standing up and sitting down.

Using The Mat

I started using the mat at my desk while working. Since I stand most of the day, I figured I would be a good candidate to really get the long-term effects of daily usage. The mat feels comfortable, a small step up from standing on the ground (pun intended) all day, and I like that it's large enough so I don't have to stand awkwardly. It's also easy to move from room-to-room, so I can use it at my other desk or while relaxing in the living room.

The Effects & Why I love It

After a few days, I would say I noticed some subtle changes. I felt a bit more relaxed, and my sleep seemed, actually, deeper and easier, if that makes sense, and I am already a fairly deep sleeper and dreamer. Also keep in mind, I like pair my "grounding" with some meditative music and frequent walks throughout the day. But at this point, I am thinking there is really something to this grounding therapy.

What I can truly report, is that as a former athlete, in my 30's, who is now starting to experience knee pain, I did notice a reduction in knee pain surrounding the days I was using the mat - which was everyday really. Definitely not a placebo effect, but it's hard to 100% attribute this to the mat, rather a combination of factors including lifestyle changes and increased awareness of my body. That said, I definitely plan to continue using the mat indefinitely to see how it affects my overall well-being in the long term. Maybe I'll try meditating on it? Who knows, could be life changing!

Final Thoughts

Overall, I think the GroundingWell Grounding Mat is well-worth trying if you’re curious about grounding therapy and re-introducing yourself to the subtleties of the Earth. It’s simple, easy to use, and there are no risks (as far as I know!). Just keep in mind that results can vary. Personally, I am going to checkout their grounding sheet so the whole family can benefit! If you want to explore grounding, you can check it out here.